The Stinkwheel Saga Episode 2

Author: David Beare & Philippa Wheeler
Publisher: Stinkwheel Publishing

The previously published episode 1 of The Stinkwheel Saga covered the most popular cyclemotors of the 1950s: Cyclemaster, Mini-Motor, Winged Wheel, Power Pak, Cucciolo, Firefly, Cyclaid, GYS/Cairns and Mosquito.

This book, episode 2 completes the saga by mopping up the rest - the also-rans. With any review of cyclemotors, the main problem is where to draw the line: where do cyclemotors end and mopeds start? The VĂ©loSoleX forms a useful border line and Stinkwheel seems to have adopted this. Included in the book are Cymota, Berini, Teagle, Lohmann, VAP, Tailwind, Busy Bee, Itom, TI Powerwheel, Ostler, ABJ, Bantamoto and Bikotor. There are a couple of extras in the form of the war-time Bugatti and Geoff Hudspith's more recent Steam Bicycle.

Out of print

Published 2008


Price: £

ISBN: #978-0954736316

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