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Email: msedgwickmt@gmail.com
Churchers, Church End, Upper Farringdon, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 3EG
Tel: 07836 731019
The Trust relies for its funding on donations from the public. In 1984/5 after the death of Michael Sedgwick, a substantial sum was donated by his friends in his memory and this has been invested to provide an income to support the work of the Trust. Those wishing to support the aims of the Trust are encouraged to make a donation either directly by cheque (please post to the secretary at the address given under contact on this website, including your name and address and consent if you wish the charity to benefit from and claim Gift Aid on your donation) or via the Charities Aid Foundation where the Michael Sedgwick Memorial Trust can be found on this link: Donate to charity | Giving made simple and secure with CAF (cafonline.org) . The CAF website also has facilities for donors to elect to add Gift Aid to their donations.