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The Style Guide is available as a downloadable pdf by clicking on the link here: MSMT style guide for authors (1)
The form of the acknowledgement to the Trust is as below:
BOOK TITLE is published with the financial assistance (if not financial then just the word support) of the Michael Sedgwick Memorial Trust. The M.S.M.T. was founded in memory of the motoring historian and author Michael C. Sedgwick (1926–1983) to encourage the publication of new motoring research, and the recording of Road Transport History. Support by the Trust does not imply any involvement in the editorial process, which remains the responsibility of the editor and publisher. The Trust is a Registered Charity, No 290841, and a full list of the Trustees and an overview of the functions of the M.S.M.T. can be found on: www.michaelsedgwicktrust.co.uk