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Author: Trevor Tarring and Mark Joseland
Publisher: The Frazer Nash Archives
Archie Frazer-Nash, was not one person, but several heroes rolled into one. Four of our reasons for remembering him bear his name. These are the Frazer-Nash gun turrets fitted to most British World War II bombers; the Frazer Nash sports car of the twenties; the Vickers-Nash crane safety indicator; and last but not least, his record as an extremely successful racing driver from 1919 to 1931.
As this biography sets out to show, even these achievements do not tell the whole story. Before and after World War I, together with Ron Godfrey, he developed the cheap but lively GN cyclecar into a short-lived manufacturing and sporting car success story. During that war he collaborated with Constantinesco on the application to the aeroplanes of the RAF of his mechanism for synchronising the firing of a machine gun on an aircraft with the rotation of the propeller. And after World War II he continued developing engineered solutions to problems encountered with defence equipment, aircraft and nuclear power. Tying all this together was his ebullient, big-hearted, outgoing personality.
Published 2011
Price: £25
ISBN: #978-0957035102