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Author: Oliver Heal
Publisher: Unicorn Publishing Group
Louis Coatalen was born a Frenchman, but spent much of his adult life in Britain and took British nationality. This is the first comprehensive biography of this influential figure in the British motor industry.
Coatalen emerges from this biography as a man full of Gallic charm and wit, determined to obtain success for his products by whatever means necessary. His perseverance and a certain lack of scruples, his ability to recognise a good idea and recruit talented individuals, combined with his undoubted leadership skills made him a major figure in motoring history.
Coatalen's successes and failures are traced from his birth in Brittany, his training as an engineer in France, through to his rise to fame in the British motor industry, bringing success to both Humber and Sunbeam before WW1. His aero-engines were used extensively by the RNAS.
His personal motor racing story is told as well as that of his team management of cars and drivers that included the very first British car to win a Grand Prix and others that broke the World Land Speed Records on five occasions. During his later career after returning to France he built up the Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Company and also devoted much time and money to developing a powerful, but ultimately unsuccessful, diesel aero-engine.
His somewhat complicated private life involving four wives, drug addiction and some injudicious investments are also put on record for the first time.
In addition to the initial financial support from the MSMT, the author also received the 2020 Michael Sedgwick Award for this book. The award, presented annually to the best book on a motoring subject, is decided by an independent committee, organised by the Society of Automotive Historians in Britain and includes a £250 cheque from the MSMT.
Published 2020
Price: £40
ISBN: #978-1912690695